*** Configuring in Packet Tracer ***
Naming the switch and applying a password to enable mode
Switch > en
Switch # conf t
Switch (config) # hostname BOB
BOB (config) # enable secret ******
BOB (config) # exit
BOB # copy run start
Destination filename [startup-config] ? <press enter to save changes>
Applying a password to the console
BOB > en
BOB # conf t
BOB (config) # line console 0
BOB (config-line) # login
<message appears saying the login is disabled until a password is applied>
BOB (config-line) # password ******
BOB (config-line) # exit
BOB (config) # exit
BOB # wr mem
BOB # exit
Applying a password to terminal sessions
BOB > en
BOB # conf t
BOB (config) # line vty 0 15
BOB (config-line) # login
<message appears saying the login is disabled until a password is applied>
BOB (config-line) # password ******
BOB (config-line) # exit
BOB (config) # exit
BOB # wr mem
BOB # exit
SSH connection only for RSA 1024bit keys
BOB # conf t
BOB (config) # ip domain-name homebob.com
BOB (config) # crypto key generate rsa
The name for the keys will be: BOB.homebob.com
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your
General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take
a few minutes.
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]
BOB (config) # ip ssh version 2
BOB (config) # do show ip ssh
BOB (config) # transport input ssh
BOB (config) # exit
BOB # wr mem
Useful commands for when you have logged into your lab
To stop syslog console messages popping up when you have remotely connected to a device
# no logging console
To switch it back on again
# logging console
To only get the console messages at the end of the output from a show command you can add the command to the line entries
BOB (config-line) # logging synchronous
You can do the same for the history buffer too:
BOB (config-line) # history size 25
(retains the previous 25 commands in the history buffer)
To stop the device looking for a DNS server, which causes the device to pause for a minute stopping any further commands being typed in, run the following
BOB (config) # no ip domain-lookup
This command does not work in Cisco Packet Tracer
BOB (config) # transport input ssh
If you have not created a local account on the switch (if you are not using AAA) then use "admin"
When you get the password prompt use the one for the "line vty".