Monday 10 December 2012

Solaris - Searching for growing files

Still being quite new to Solaris and *NIX variants we hit a minor issue when one of the servers reported its disk space being nearly full and thought "How do we find out what's filling the space up?".

Application team wanted to know what files were involved, was it system or application? - so after a bit of hunting around and testing we came up with:

# find / -type f -mount -size +100000000c -mtime -1

(look for files on the local disk that are greater than 100Mb in size that have grown since yesterday)

You'll get an output giving the file path and name of the file which you can then go and check how big the actual file is:

# cd /location
# ls -hal

In this case it was a log (not in /var/adm) which was logging a failed service.

Stopped the service - deleted the log (after have a quick peek to see what was up), checked and fixed the issue then restarted the service.

We found the files causing the issues and took remedial action and disk usage went down from 97% to 78%, the lowest it had been since the server was installed.

On the same theme to find directories that are large then:

# cd /location
# du -dks * | sort -n

From the above output you can see which directories are the largest and go a hunting..... (cd into the one of the offending large directories and repeat the command).

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