There is a little used vMA server in our environment which needed to be used - when I got on it I found that the timezone was set to PDT.....Since the work I wanted to do was to do with Syslog and AD having the right time would be critical!
I found a useful article after a bit of Googling and reading of the vSphere Management Assistant Guide which helped me: the article was written by Simon Long and obviously he deserves all the credit and not me!!If the article ever disappears I'll just go over the bits I used:
1. Adding of the sites NTP server(s).
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
(I added the entries under #use the public servers from the...... )
2. Remove the local time file
sudo rm /etc/localtime
3. Replace the local time file with the correct one for your timezone
sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime
4. Turn the NTP daemon on
sudo /sbin/chkconfig ntpd on
5. Restart the ntpd service to pick up the "new time"
sudo /sbin/service ntpd restart
6. Checking that your time server configuration has taken
sudo ntpq -p
7. Changing the keyboard from US to EN
sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
Change the KEYTABLES entry from "us" to "en"
NOTE: I need to check whether UTC is good enough for our needs and if not I'll be amending the blog with what I actually used - Again, thanks to Simon for such a great article :-)